Classical Mechanics

Class Notes:

1. Set 1 : Chapter 1
2. Set 2 : Chapter 1
3. Set 3 : Chapter 1
4. Set 4 : Chapter 1 & 2
5. Set 5 : Chapter 2 & 8
6. Set 6: Chapter 8
7. Set 7 : Chapter 9
8. Set 8 : Chapter 3
9. Set 9 : Chapter 3
10. Set 10 : Chapter 3
11. Set 11 : Chapter 4
12. Set 12 : Chapter 5
13. Set 13 : Chapter 5
14. Set 14: Chapter 5
15. Set 15 : Chapter 6


Video 1: Appendices
Video 2: Chapter 1-1
Video 3: Chapter 1-2
Video 4: Chapter 1-3
Video 5: Chapter 2-1
Video 6: Chapter 2-2
Video 7: Chapter 8-1
Video 8: Chapter 9-1
Video 9: Chapter 9-2
Video 10: Chapter 4-1
Video 11: Chapter 4-2
Video 12: Chapter 4-3
Video 13: Chapter 5-1
Video 14: Chapter 5-2
Video 15: Chapter 6-1


Appendix 1: Mathematical Notation
Appendix 2: Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates
Appendix 3: Velocity and Acceleration in Cylindrical Coordinates - A
Appendix 4: Velocity and Acceleration in Cylindrical Coordinates - B
Appendix 5: Velocity and Acceleration in Cylindrical Coordinates - A
Appendix 6: Velocity and Acceleration in Cylindrical Coordinates - B
Appendix 7: Hints on integrals
Appendix 8: Table of integrals
Appendix 9: Clark University -- Trignometry
Appendix 10: Some trignometric formulae
Appendix 11: St. Louis Arch Catenary
Appendix 12: Determinants and Matrices
Appendix 13: 2 x 2 Matrix Inverse
Appendix 14: 3 x 3 Matrix Inverse
Appendix 15: Method for Lagrangian Problems
Appendix 16: Method for Lagrangian Problems with Multipliers
Appendix 17: Euler Force
Appendix 18: Feedback Questions


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