This is the notes site for class "Classical Mechanics", course number PHYS6620/7220, taught by Prof. Sanjay V. Khare in Fall 2008. Please check this site after each class.

Set 1: Chapter 1          Set 2: Chapter 1          Set 3: Chapter 1 and 2

Set 4: Chapter 2 and 8          Set 5: Chapter 8          Set 6: Chapter 9

Set 7: Chapter 3          Set 8: Chapter 3          Set 9: Chapter 3

Set 10: Chapter 4          Set 11: Chapter 5          Set 12: Chapter 5

Set 13: Chapter 5          Set 14: Chapter 6

Appendix 1: Mathematical Notation
Appendix 2: Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates
Appendix 3: Hints on integrals
Appendix 4: St. Louis Arch Catenary
Appendix 5: Determinants and Matrices


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