For non-spherical but still hydrostatic configurations (e.g. rapid rotators or close binary stars) one may still use 1D equations if one chooses the co-rotating gravitational potential as the independent variable.
3.1. Continuity
4πr 2ρdr = dm
boundary condition: r = 0 at m = 0.
3.2. Hydrostatic Equilibrium
dP = −Gmρ dr /r 2 or
4πr 4dP = −Gm dm
boundary condition: P = 0 at m = M.
Equation of State: P =
P (ρ, T, f ); f = vector of
atomic composition.
3.3. Energy Generation
dl = ε dm
boundary condition: l = 0 at m = 0.
Gravitational and Nuclear energy generation:
ε = ε (ρ, T, f ) ergs/gram.
3.4. Energy Transport
3.4.1. Radiative layers
64π 2r 4acT 3dT =
− 3κl dm
boundary condition: T = 0 at m = M.
Mean opacity: κ =
κ (ρ, T, f ) cm2/gram.
3.4.2. Convective layers
P dT = T(1−1/γ) dP
boundary condition: set by radiative boundaries.
Adiabatic constant: γ =
γ (ρ, T, f )