An S.P.S. Publication
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Held Zone Meeting March 27, 2004
NW Science Fair Demo Show
Faculty Candidate Talks
Movie Nights-
    Mystery Science Theater 3000:  Manos, The Hands of Fate (Note for future reference:  Do not rewatch Manos.)
    Kung Fu
Game Night- Cranium, Pictionary, various other board games, and console games were played.
Star Party at Noel's
Command Line Computing Workshop with Josh
New Officer Elections, results below.
Spring Picnic was threatened by bad weather so it was held in MH 4009.
Zone Meeting Group Picture
2004 Zone Meeting Group Picture                                      

OFFICERS 2004-2005
President -Nicholas Sperling

Vice President - Patrick Drummond
Secretary /Treasurer - Maeghan Gault
Outreach Coordinator - Levi Gorrell

We have been very busy this year by hearing from speakers, holding the zone meeting, and socializing.  It has been fun and amusing.  Good luck to our members who are starting graduate school next year.

--Maeghan Gault

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