Home work 10

This is homework assignment 10, due on Friday, 7th November.

Problem : We may express equation 4.62 of the text in the form r' R(n, phi)r. Determine the nine elements of the 3 X 3 matrix R(n, phi). Express your answer in a single equation for the matrix element Ri,j using the Kronecker delta and the Levi-Civita symbols. Do not use Einstein summation convention in your solution. 

Hints for problem: 1. The Levi-Civita symbol is defined on page 169 of the text. We have also discussed it in class. Note that the book uses Einstein summation convention. Do not use it in your solution. You will not receive any credit if you use it.
2. Write Eq. 4.62 for each component x, y, z. Then write the whole matrix R(n, phi)
3. Then try writing a single equation for the element Ri,j.

Solutions and Grades.
