About Grading

Excused absence policy to be followed according to the University guidelines.
Grading Scheme : P/F
1. All graduate students not required to attend the astronomy seminar are supposed to attend this course.
2. Attendance is required for at least 12 classes.
3. Not meeting attendance requirement will automatically qualify for an F grade.
4. Students will be asked to make at least one presentation per semester.
5. If presentation does not meet the quality standard for content and presentation then it will have to be repeated till the quality standard is met.
6. Failure to adhere step 5 will automatically qualify for a F grade.
7. Each presentation is to be for 30 mins., with 10 mins. for questions and answers on content. Another 10 mins. will be spent on giving feedback from the audience and instructor on quality of presentation in terms of content as well as style of delivery.