Expectations of students
(i) Look at the class web-site at least once either before or after each class
for the latest updates.
(ii) Submit homework in class at the beginning of the class when due. On every
homework assignment on the top front page, list student’s name, identification
number, course number, and homework number. Each homework assignment should be
stapled together or put in a binder. Loose pages are not acceptable.
(iii) Read relevant sections from the text that will be covered in the class.
These will be announced in the preceding class.
(iv) If you are late to class or decide to leave early do so discretely so as
not to disturb others. Seat yourself towards the back exit door if your early
exit is known in advance or when you enter late.
(v) Turn off sound on watches, cell phones, pagers, laptops and all other
electronic devices while in class.
(vi) In general maintain an environment conducive to learning in the classroom.
(vii) Complete all homework and examinations honestly.
(viii) Please do not bring any food or drinks or chewing gums inside the classroom.
(ix) If you have any disabilities hindering your ability to follow any of these
rules and/or needing any special considerations bring them to the attention of
the instructor immediately.