Dr. Robert W. Collins

Professor of Physics and NEG Chair in Silicate and Materials Science



Department of Physics and Astronomy

College of Arts and Sciences

The University of Toledo

Toledo, OH 43606-3390

Phone: (419) 530-4903, Fax: (419) 530-2723      

E-mail: rcollins@physics.utoledo.edu 

URL: http://astro1.panet.utoledo.edu/~rcollins/collins.htm



Latest Research Activities:





There are four photovoltaic programs at the University of Toledo: a-Si based PV program led by Prof. X. Deng,  CdTe based PV program led by Prof. A. D. Compaan, CIGS based PV program led by Prof. S.X. Marsillac and ellipsometry led by Prof. R.W. Collins



Research Profile  

Description of my research interests 


Curriculum Vitae

Current Projects

Ellipsometry on a-Si and CdTe


PhD, MS, BS degrees

Research Group

Visiting Profs, Postdocs, Grad Students, Undergrads, etc

Professional Experience

UT, PennState, BP America, Harvard

Research Facilities

In-situ and ex-situ equipment


320 referred publications

Physics 6080 course info

Syllabus, homework, class schedule, grades, etc.

Position available

Looking for postdocs and graduate students



Last modified: 08/21/06

Maintained by Robert Collins, gracefully provided  by Pr. DENG