Dr. Jennifer J. Greco

Thunberg Postdoctoral Fellow
Uppsala University and The Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study

Exoplanets - Cool Stars - Brown Dwarfs

About Me

My name is Jennifer Greco. I'm a Thunberg Fellow in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University with a joint affiliation at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study. I am working with Dr. Nikolai Piskunov on the CRIRES+ project, using high-resolution spectroscopy to characterize exoplanet atmospheres.

I got my PhD in August 2020 from the University of Toledo, where I worked with Professor Michael Cushing. My PhD research focused on near-infrared spectroscopy of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs. Using the IGRINS high-resolution infrared spectrograph on the Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT), I assembled the first high-resolution H- and K-band spectroscopic sequence of ultracool dwarfs (objects with spectral types of M7 or later), and then using those spectra to characterize each of our objects.

I also have a passion for physics outreach, and have given outreach talks both in schools and at community outreach events. I have also led physics demonstrations at schools, local libraries, and community events such as the Toledo March For Science, the APS Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) and Cedar Point Physics Science and Math Week. I have also been a volunteer panelist and organizer of the Science Track at the Dragon Con Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention for two years.