Chapter By-Laws




I. Dues

Dues shall be according to minimum national standards. There are no local chapter dues.

II. Meetings

Meetings shall be held at least twice a month during the school year. The day and time shall be determined by the officers.

III. Officers

Any student member of SPS shall be considered eligible for office. Four officers shall be elected each year, the titles and duties of which follow::

1)      President: shall be responsible for organizing and overseeing the meetings, recruiting new members and arranging the speaker series. Getting in touch with potential demo contacts and facilitating the recruitment of new members.

2)      Vice President: shall attend faculty meetings and represent the undergraduate students at such meetings. Will help with arranging demos for meetings and recruiting new members. In the absence of the president, they shall preside at the meeting.

3)      Secretary: Shall take notes and keep track of activities, check mail, and informs members of internship and graduate school programs. They shall also provide adequate notice of upcoming SPS meetings, activities and social events.

4)      Treasurer: they shall be in charge of all finances, fundraising, and service coordinating/philanthropy.

5)      Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator: shall be in charge of maintaining the webpage by keeping the site up-to-date with activities and events. He or shall maintain chapter social media as well, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram posts. They shall also preserve appropriate archival information such as the speaker series, relevant past activities, etc.

IV. General Member Expectations

1)      Are expected to attend a minimum of 6 meetings per semester to be considered an active member of the club.

2)      If you use the designated SPS lounge, please be courteous to your fellow members and clean up after yourself.

3)      Be willing to request demos that you would like to see or fun activities that you would like to do sometime thought the year

V. Elections for E-board

1)      Elections shall be held after spring break

2)      The new elects will shadow the current position holder for the remainder of the semester to create an easier transition of power.

3)      The new elects will take over power in the new school year.

VI. Parliamentary Authority

The president shall decide all matters of procedure.

VII. Non-discrimination policy

This club does not and will never discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of the events or club meetings.

VIII. Officer Removal/Impeachment Procedure

The e-board will vote with individual present, to allow for rebuttal. This process can only be brought up if:
1. Duties aren’t being fulfilled
2. Failure to attend meetings without proper reason
3. Discrimination against a member or board officer
4. Breach of code of conduct
Regardless of position, an election with the remaining e-board would take place to fill in the empty position.

IX. Amendment Process

Should an issues or new idea arise with these by-laws, it should be brought to the e-board and needs to pass with the majority vote. If the amendment passes, it will be added to this document at earliest convenient and be brought to the general members attention.