SPS Photo Contest

Participants are allowed a total of three submissions. One per category: Natural, Contrived, Most Artistic. See the AAPT photo contest poster on the 3rd floor of MH for sample.

Photo's are due Jan 22 2004. Can be in either digital or print format. Submit materials to wwwsps@physics.utoledo.edu or to the sps department mailbox or to an sps officer. Photo must come with a small statement of what physical principle or phenomena or concept is being presented, along with name and contact info.

Photo's will be judged by a panel of professors: Dr. Karen Bjorkman, Dr. Nancy Morrison.


Over all winner is Noel Richardson with his submission to the contrived category: The Tesla Coil.
In the 1800's, the electrical genius Nikola Tesla Developed what is now called the Tesla Coil. It uses inductors to create a very large electric discharge. Here, a Tesla Coil produces up to one million volts of discharge (at COSI Toledo). The photo is overexposed to create a larger lightning display. Notice the lightning is drawn to the lower part of the picture where there is a grounding grid. The reddish color is from the overexposure of the lights as well as the Tesla coil discharge.
Coil...Noel Richardson

First Place Contrived goes to Josh Thomas: The Probablistic Pendulum
The swinging pendulum demonstrates a position probability distribution. The pendulum spends most of its time at the turning points, where it slows and stops. Since it spends most of its time at the turning points the picture is .darkest. there, while it is .lightest. in the center where it spends the least time. The picture was taken by using a bulb exposure, allowing the pendulum sever swings.
Probablistic Pendulum...Josh

First Place Natural Category goes to Noel Richardson: Moon During Elipse.
During a full moon, it is possible for the moon to fall into the shadow of the Earth, causing an eclipse. However, instead of the moon disappearing during this time, it turns a deep red color due to the refraction of light from the Sun in the Earth.s atmosphere. This photo was taken during the lunar eclipse in May of 2003 using a digital camera and a three inch f/9 reflecting telescope.
Moon During Eclipse...Noel 

First Place Artistic Category goes to Josh Thomas: UT Bell Tower Prospective.
UT Bell Tower...Josh Thomas

The other entries were:
Jackie Must and her picture of Saturn.
Saturn...Jackie Must

Jackie Must's compalation of the night sky.
Compalation of the night

Josh Thomas' picture of the moon during an eclipse through an 8" telescope.
Der Mond...Josh Thomas