Fall 2011, Course Information
PHYS 4580, Molecular and Condensed Matter Laboratory 
PHYS 6/7280, Photovoltaic Materials and Device Physics Laboratory

Instructors: Randy Ellingson and Mike Heben

PHYS 4580 Introduction, Syllabus, and General Information (updated Oct. 12, 2011)

PHYS 6/7280 Introduction, Syllabus, and General Information (updated Oct. 12, 2011)

Class Schedule:

Tuesday, pre-lab lecture:  12:10 - 12:50 pm, in R1 2000N.

Tuesday lab:  1:00 - 4:50 pm, in R1 1070.  The lab is also open Wednesday 1 - 5 pm, and Thursday 1 - 5 pm -- and may be opened other days/hours upon your request.  You should use these times to work on your experimental setup and measurement goals.

Lab Teams:

Team 1:  Puruswottam Aryal, Jonathan DeWitt, Xinxuan Tan

Team 2:  Carmen Cioc, Rajendra Khanal, Qusai Al Shidi, Zhaoning Song

Team 3:  Sara Floyd, Abdel Ibdah,  Thomas Pidcock, Ryan Zeller

Team 4:  Ronald Clark, Bobby Jacobs, Meghan Mapes

Team 5:  Leighton Brown, Nanke Jiang, Puja Pradhan, Yao Xie

Final Exam (Project):


