μdIν(r,μ) /dr = − χν Iν(r,μ) + ην.
Divide by χν and define
Sν ≡ ην /χν
(the source function)
dτν ≡ −χν dr
(the differential optical depth).
/dτν =
Iν(τν,μ) −
The formal solution of this equation (dropping the ν subscript for now) is
I(τ,μ) = I(τo,μ) e−(τo − τ) /μ + ∫ττo S(t) e−(t − τ) /μ dt /μ.
Now, assume we are at such great depth that any boundary τo
differs greatly from τ, so we may neglect any incoming radiation
from the boundary (the first term on the right).
Also assume that χ is high (short mean free path 1/χ) so
we may expand the (isotropic) source function as:
S(t) = S(&tau) + (t − τ)
∂S /∂τ .
Then the formal solution becomes
I((τ,μ) = S(τ) + μ∂S /∂τ .
With such a linear source function and intensity, K = J /3.
Homework: Show that the linear source function results in the given μ-dependence of I, and that as a result K = J /3.
Notice also that J(τ) = S(τ) in this circumstance. Therefore, the mean radiation field is very local. We may assume we are in a thermodynamic oven with walls at nearly constant temperature, so Jν(τ) = Sν(τ) = Bν(τ).