4.5. Adiabatic Exponents and Specific Heats
As a star contracts, expands, or undergoes convective motions, it must concern itself with the release or entrainment of internal energy resulting from volume changes. The calculation of the necessary quantities is relatively straightforward for mixtures of ideal gasses, radiation, and fully degenerate components, as long as no reactions (e.g. ionizations) are taking place.
A. Fixed composition
Recall that the specific heat a constant x is defined as
cx ≡ (dQ /dT ) x .
Useful x's are P, ρ, and specific volume Vρ = 1/ρ .
The first law of thermodynamics for a reversible process is
dQ = dE + Pd(1/ρ) = dE + Pdρ /ρ2,
so cVρ = (dE /dT )ρ.
But (ideal monatomic gas) E = 3NAkT / 2μ =
Find cP from cP − cVρ = − T (∂P/∂T )ρ2 (∂P/∂Vρ )T−1.
Choose an equation of state of the form
P = Po (ρ/ρo) β
(T/To) α,
then cP − cVρ =
(P/ρT ) α2/β ,
= NAk/μ for ideal monatomic.
Later we will want the ratio of specific heats γ ≡ cP/cVρ = 1 + (P/ρTcVρ ) α2/β.
Adiabatic exponents
Γ1 ≡ | (∂ lnP /∂ lnρ)S | Intimately tied to dynamics through the sound speed |
Γ2 /( Γ2 − 1) ≡ | (∂ lnP /∂ lnT )S ≡ 1/∇adxx | Related to convective instability |
Γ3 − 1 ≡ | (∂ lnT /∂ lnρ )S | The relation between heat content and compression |
In terms of the power-law equation of state:
Γ3 − 1 = (P/ρT )
α / cVρ
Γ1 = α ( Γ3 − 1) + β
Γ2 /(Γ2 − 1) =
α + β /( Γ3 − 1)
γ = Γ1 /β
Note: the 'γ' in the so-called γ-law equation of state is Γ3,
not the ratio of specific heats γ.
Ideal gas plus radiation
Assume P = (ρ/μ) NAkT +
aT 4/3 dyne/cm−2.
Now β ≡ (∂ lnP /∂ lnρ)T,
which turns out to be Pg /P.
We also have α = 4 − 3β.
We may substitute these values into the formulae above to get
cVρ = (3NAkT / 2μ)
(8 − 7β) /β erg/g K,
Γ3 − 1 = (2/3) (4 − 3β) / (8 − 7β)
Γ1 = β + (4 − 3β) (Γ3 − 1)
Γ2 /(Γ2 − 1) =
(32 − 24β − 3β 2) / (8 − 6β)
γ = Γ1 /β
B. Pure hydrogen ionization
H&K carry out the algebra for the specific heats and exponents in a gas consisting of pure hydrogen with a single-state neutral atom. If we define n as the total number density of hydrogen nuclei and y as the fraction of ionized nuclei n+/n, the pressure and internal energy become
P = (1 + y) nkT
E = (n/ρ) [(1 + y) 3kT/2 + y χ],
χ = ionization energy.
After derivatives and algebra,
cVρ = (3/2) (n/ρ) k (1 + y)
[1 + D (2/3) (3/2 + χ/kT )2 ] erg / gK,
D ≡ y (1 − y) / (2 − y) (1 + y)
β = 1 − D,
α = 1 + D (3/2 + χ/kT ).
These expressions may be substituted into the formulae above for the Γ's.
Note: once we have expressed the equation of state as a power-law, the required first-order
derivatives depend on the local instantaneous values of α and β,
and not on their own variations.
Γ3 − 1 = [2 + 2D (3/2 + χ/kT )] / [3 + 2D (3/2 + χ/kT )2]
We will not reproduce the other Γ's since these formulae are instructive only
and do not represent any real situation with accuracy.
However, note that D(0) = D(1) = 0, and reaches a maximum of 1/9 when y = 1/2.
Thus Γ3 (and all the other Γ's) remains near the ideal gas value 5/3
except when the ionization is partial.
Typically, hydrogen becomes partially ionized when χ/kT is of order 10
(T = 104 K).
Under these circumstances, Γ3 may drop to 1.15 or so.
The other Γ's show similar decreases.