
1. Introduction: Numbers and Estimations

1.1. Numbers
Effective temperature2000 K 5800 K 50000 K
Mass0.1×Sun2.0×1033 g100×Sun
Radius0.01×Sun7.0×1010 cm1000×Sun
M.S. Radius0.1×Sun7.0×1010 cm30×Sun
Luminosity10−3×Sun 3.8×1033 erg/s10 7×Sun

Solar composition by mass: X = 0.71, Y = 0.27, Z = 0.02, μ = 0.6 (mean molecular weight).

1.2. Molecular weights

NAv = Avogadro's number.
Define μ through n ≡ ρNAv /μ = ρNAv (1/μI +1/μe), where n = nI + ne.
For a fully ionized gas, μ ≈ 1 / (2 X + 3 Y /4 + Z /2).

These individual weights are not related to individual masses. “Weight” here really means weight in the statistical sense (unfortunately the same word in English as in the mass sense). For any constituent x, nx ≡ ρNAv /μx where ρ is the total density.

1.3. Important Relationships

L = 4πR 2σRT 4eff

Main Sequence: L/Lo = (M/Mo) 3.5, R/Ro = (M/Mo) 0.75

Half of the sun’s mass is inside r = 0.3R. Half of the sun’s luminosity is generated inside r = 0.13R.

Hydrostatic equilibrium allows estimates of the central conditions as follows.
Divide the interior into a core containing half the mass and an envelope containing the other half. Let this boundary be at fR. The density rises sharply to the interior, so assume the entire envelope mass is concentrated at the boundary. In the core, the temperature is relatively uniform, so calculating T from mean values of the density and pressure is not too far off. The mean density of the core is then ρ = 3M/8πf 3R 3. The pressure must equal the weight / surface area of the envelope: ρNAvkT/μ = GM 2/16πf 4R 4. Solving for kT gives kT = 4πμGM/NAvfR (setting one π/3 = 1). For MS stars, the solar value f = 0.3 is OK; for giant stars, f << 0.3, while for white dwarfs the temperature is independent from the pressure.

We cannot specify the luminosity of a star without further information about nuclear rates and/or opacities. Once these quantities are specified, the radius and luminosity are determined by the mass and &mu(r).

Main Sequence life time:
Binding energy per proton = 0.007mc 2
Mass available as fuel is about 0.1M
t = 0.1 × 0.007 Mc 2/L ≈ 1010(M/Mo)−2.5 years.