David Ellis (Atomic Physics)

Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Ph.D., 1964, Cornell University

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Professor Ellis' research field is theoretical atomic structure and spectroscopy. His work includes both general theory and specific calculations. Current efforts are directed toward long-term improvements in computer programs for atomic structure calculations, especially in regard to the treatment of electron coalescence.  Other general topics include tensor analysis of quantum operators dealing with effects such as polarization of emitted photons, correlated motion of atomic electrons, and the effect of relativistic interactions on energy-level structures. Examples of specific calculations include transition probabilities for spectra such as Be I, N II, Cl I, and highly-ionized members of the Be and Si isoelectronic sequences. Many of these results have had astronomical applications in the areas such as stellar and planetary atmospheres, and the interstellar medium.

Links to representative works:

Interaction of symbolic states in atomic structure computations, R. Matulioniene, D. Ellis, and C. Froese Fischer, Lithuanian Journal of Physics 48, 35-48 (2008).

Use of the Einstein-Brillouin-Keller action quantization, L.J. Curtis and D.G. Ellis, Am. J. Phys. (2004).

Interaction of Correlated-variable with Configuration-state Basis Functions, David G. Ellis, APS DAMOP, Williamsburg, Virginia (2002).

A Predictive Data-Based Exposition of 5s5p Lifetimes in the Cd Isoelectronic Sequence, L.J. Curtis, R.Matulioniene, D.G. Ellis, and C. Froese Fischer, Phys. Rev. A 62, 052513 (2000).

Electron correlations in multiconfiguration atomic wavefunctions, David G. Ellis, Phys. Rev. A 53, 3986 (1996)

Other selected research results:

Angular integration using symbolic state expansions, C. Froese Fischer and D. Ellis, Lithuanian J. Phys. 44, 121 (2004).

Lifetimes of Doubly-Excited 2p3l Levels in Singly Ionized B II, R.E. Irving, M. Henderson, D.G. Ellis, L.J. Curtis, Y. Zou, R. Hellborg and I. Martinson, Physica Scripta 57, 630 (1998)

Lifetimes of the 3p54s 3P1, 1P1 and 3p53d 3P1 levels in K II, M.Henderson, L.J.Curtis, R. Matulioniene, D.G.Ellis and Y.Li, Phys. Rev. A 55, 2723 (1997)

Limitations on the precision of atomic meanlife measurements, L.J. Curtis, R.T. Deck and D.G. Ellis, Phys. Lett. A 230, 330 (1997)

Data-based predictions of line strengths in alkali-metal-like isoelectronic sequences, L.J.Curtis, D.G.Ellis, and I.Martinson, Phys. Rev. A 51, 251 (1995)

Oscillator Strengths of Selected Resonance Transitions in Neutral Sulfur, D.Beideck, S.Federman, R.M.Schectman, and D.G.Ellis, Ap. J. 428, 393 (1994)

Accurate Oscillator Strengths for Interstellar Ultraviolet Lines of Cl I, R.M.Schectman, S.R.Federman, D.J.Beideck, and D.G.Ellis, Astrophysical Journal 406, 735 (1993)

Calculation of Intercombination Line Strengths in N III, APS DAMOP, Reno, NV,  May 1993.

Ellis, D.G., Martinson, I., and Westerlind, M. 1994. Spin-induced autoionization of quasibound levels in Be I. Physica Scripta 49:561-564.

Ellis, D. 1993. Ultraviolet transition probabilities in N II. Phys. Rev. A 47:161.

E-mail: David.Ellis@utoledo.edu

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