A student studying for the B.S. degree in Physics may choose among several physics
concentrations, including Physics, Astrophysics, Applied Physics, or a concentration designed in consultation with a
departmental advisor, and approved by the Department Chair. Such options might include, but are not limited to: biophysics,
computational physics, geophysics, physics and philosophy, or teaching physics.
The sequence of courses shown below is a typical one for a physics major, but other course selections are possible.
In particular a student who begins with a good knowledge of calculus might take PHYS 2130-2140 in the freshman year,
PHYS 3310-3320 in the sophomore year, and PHYS 4210 in the junior year. Another possibility is the sequence
PHYS 2070-2080-2100 instead of PHYS 2130-2140. The student must also satisfy all the degree requirements of the University
Core and the College of Arts & Sciences, including English composition, a foreign language, the humanities and social
sciences, and the writing across the curriculum program. The official degree requirements are published in the Catalog of
the University of Toledo.