Assignment Details:
Describe your prior knowledge about the field of energy use by humans. Include production, transportantion, transduction, transmission and consumption of energy in all its forms. Describe also its environmental impact if any. Also state you best percentage estimates about the use of each of the following sourcces for human consumption today: coal, crude oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, hudrolectricity, wind, solar, geothermal.
The correctness of your ideas is not important for grading purposes. However, a comprehensive and clear elucidation of your ideas is what you will be considered a good performance. You may use and cite, only if needed, prior knowledge from earlier courses, books or articles you may have studied. Do not conduct searches on the course content or on the web. Your prior knowledge is needed not necessarilt what is accurate and precise information.
You should use single spaced 11 point font or 12 point font. The description should not exceed two pages and should be a minimum of one page. The submission should be sent as a Microsoft Word .docx or as a .pdf file to by Wednesday, 24th January at 11:59 pm ET. The correctness of your ideas is not important for grading purposes. However, a comprehensive and clear elucidation of your ideas is what you will be considered a good performance. You may use and cite, only if needed, prior knowledge from earlier courses, books or articles you may have studied. Do not conduct searches on the course content or on the web. Your prior knowledge is needed not necessarilt what is accurate and precise information.


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