In-class Laboratory Exercises

We will have roughly one In-class Lab Exercise per week, to break the monotony of lectures, provide group learning experiences, and to give a "hands-on feel" for some concepts. These Exercises will normally be quite short (15 minutes or so). They will be group oriented. Each group must consist of 4-6 students, and the grade, such as it is, will be shared equally by all participants. Each student must offer some contribution. There will be opportunities for groups to assess the contributions of individual members. Groups need not be indentical from Exercise to Exercise. As your group members become more familiar with each other, you may want to continue the group activity outside of class in the form of study groups.

Some Exercises will be 'real' experiments, others will be 'thought' experiments (e.g. imagine what would happen if...). Some will be derived from the Human/Medical/Biological Applications in the text, and some will be derived from the Construct Your Own Problems at the end of each chapter.

You may miss two In-class Lab Exercises without consequence for your grade.