Review Exams

Each review exam will cover the material discussed in lecture since the the previous exam. The calendar is "color-coded" according to exams. Each will consist of about 24 questions with computer graded multiple choice answers. Only four out of the five review exams will count toward the grade. The lowest score exam will be the one dropped.

The questions will be selected randomly from the lists of questions linked on each lecture outline page. Numbers and/or circumstances may be changed, but the methodology of arriving at an answer will be the same.

No make-up exams will be given after-the-fact. If you know that you cannot attend a given exam, you must make arrangements in advance to take it at an alternative time, before the graded exams are returned to the class (usually on the next monday). Such alternative exams may have alternative questions.

When you have received your graded exam, you will have an opportunity to correct two answers. You will not be told immediately which original answers were wrong; part of the exercise is to find out. Each corrected answer will give you the added point; however, if you change an answer which was correct, the point will be subtracted.