Here are some topics for presentation. Choose one topic out of the following.
1. Basics of the Earth’s temperature
Explain the temperature of the earth's surface without and
with an atmosphere. Explain how the earth's temperature and CO2
concentration is obtained historically in the recent past and back millennia.
2. Basics of the Greenhouse Effect
Explain carefully the greenhouse effect in a
greenhouse and for the earth as a whole.
3. Effect of different Gases on the Greenhouse Effect
Explain why methane is considered a much more powerful
greenhouse gas than CO2 -explanations should include the vibrational and rotational motions. Also talk about the
contribution of other gases.
4. Greenhouse Effect Counter Arguments
What is the basis of the "naysayers"
who challenge the conventional wisdom that recent warming of the earth's
surface is due to anthropological effects.
5. Human energy Consumption –Historical over centuries
Discuss the changes in and amounts of energy resources used
by humankind over the centuries. Discuss world and
6. Human energy Consumption – Historical over three decades
Discuss the changes in and amounts of energy resources used
by humankind over the centuries. Discuss world and
7. Peak Coal
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for coal only. Discuss types of coal, energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources.
Discuss US and world situation.
8. Peak Natural Gas
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for natural gas only. Discuss types of natural gas, energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources.
Discuss US and world situation.
9. Peak Oil
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for oil only. Discuss types of oil, energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources.
Discuss US and world situation.
10. Peak Nuclear Energy
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for nuclear energy only. Discuss types of fuel, energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources.
Discuss US and world situation.
11. Peak Geothermal
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for geothermal energy only. Discuss types of geothermal, energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources. Discuss US and world situation.
12. Hydroelectric Energy – Global Supply
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for hydroelectric energy only. Discuss types of hydroelectric and energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources. Discuss US and world situation.
13. Wind Energy – Global Supply
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for wind energy only. Discuss types of wind and energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources. Discuss US and world situation.
14. Tidal and Wave Energy – Global Supply
Discuss the ultimate quantities of resources available for tidal-wave energy only. Discuss types of tidal-wave energy extraction and energy density of each type. Distinguish between reserves and resources. Discuss US and world situation.
15. Nuclear Fusion Energy – Global Supply
Discuss potential for this source to become feasible in the next 30 years. What is the total potential if it can be harnessed successfully? What are the difficulties and dangers involved. Talk of US and world situation.
16. Human energy Consumption – Historical from 1850-1980
Discuss the changes in and amounts of energy resources used
by humankind over the centuries. Discuss world and
17. Nuclear Reactions in Fission
Discuss the physics of regular and breeder reactors and the nuclear reactions involved. Do a quantitative analysis of total mass of sources required for each type. Discuss problems of waste management and nuclear proliferation.
18. The electric grid
Discuss the physics of a transmission line. Discuss the
nature of voltages, currents, frequencies involved in AC transmission. Why is
AC preferred over DC. Is DC to be chosen in certain applications. What is world and
19. Energy storage types
Discuss the different types of energy storage mechanisms, such as hydrogen, batteries, capacitors, compressed air, pumping water behind dams and others. Quantitative analysis of scalability, efficiency of the storage mechanism, availability, convenience, and cost, should be emphasized.
20. Batteries for energy storage
Discuss the different types of batteries by chemistry involved. Quantitative analysis of scalability, efficiency of the storage mechanism, availability, convenience, and cost, should be emphasized. Peak limits of battery material should be discussed.