Quantum Mechanics
General Information
Course registration number: PHYS 4310/5310
Course credits: 3
Semester offered: Spring 2006
Class time: MWF 12:00 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
First class: Monday, 9th January 2006
Last class: Friday, 28thth April 2006
Final Examination: From 12:30 p.m. through 2:30 p.m., Monday,
1st May 2006 as per university
examination schedule.
Hoilidays: As per university calendar.
Classroom: MH 2002
Class Website: http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~khare/teaching/
Prerequisite courses: PHYS3320, MATH3860, MATH1890
Course Text: Introduction to Quantum
Mechanics, 2nd Edition, David J. Griffiths, 2005 printing, Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-111892-7
Other References: A Qauntum Mechanics Primer, D. T. Gillespie
Principles of Quantum Mechanics, R. Shankar
Quantum Mechanics, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Frank Laloe
Quantum Mechanics: Non-Relativistic Theory, L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz
Schaum's Outline of Quantum Mechanics, Eliahu Zaarur, Phinik Reuven
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Mary L. Boas
About Instructor
Instructor: Sanjay V. Khare
Title: Assistant Professor
Office: MH 5010
Phone: 419 530 2292
Email: khare@physics.utoledo.edu
Website: http://www.physics.utoledo.edu/~khare/
Office Hours: MW 15:00 -- 16:00 or by appointment
About grading
Excused absence policy to be followed according to the University guidelines.
Grading Scheme:
Homework: 25%
Attendance and class participation: 10%
First Exam: 20%
Second Exam: 20%
Final Exam: 25%
We will cover parts of Chapters 1-5, and the Appendix of the text. We
will not cover all chapters in their entirety. Some sections will be
omitted. Depending on student interests some modifications in the
syllabus may be accommodated. The detailed course agenda is shown
Course Objectives
(i) To undestand motion of particles under the influence of the laws of
quantum mechanics.
(ii) To understand the derivation, modification, and application of the
mathematical methods used in the study of quantum mechanics.
(iii) To gain expertise in the formulation and solution of problems
involving laws of quantum mechanics listed in (i) and the techniques in
Expectations from students
(i) Look at the class web-site at least once either before or
after each class for the latest updates.
(ii) Submit homework in class at the beginning of the class
when due. On every homework assignment on the top front page, list
student’s name, identification number, course number, and homework number.
Each homework assignment should be stapled together or put in
a binder. Loose pages are not acceptable.
(iii) Read relevant sections from the text that will be
covered in the class. These will be announced in the preceding class.
(iv) If you are late to class or decide to leave early do so discretely
so as not to disturb others. Seat yourself towards the back exit
door if your early exit is known in advance or when you enter late.
(v) Turn off sound on watches, cell phones, pagers,
laptops and all other electronic devices while in class.
(vi) In general maintain an environment conducive to learning in
the classroom.
Tips on how to succeed in this course
(i) Understand the derivations so that you can
derive them yourself or explain them to someone else logically.
Just memorising them is not of much value.
(ii) Modify the assumptions in the derivations to come
up with entirely new derivations. Also, try adding more assumptions to
standard derivations from the text to derive results for new special
(iii) Solve lots of problems from the text or other sources.
(iv) Make up your own problems which are totally new or are
modifications of those you solve. Then solve these problems.
(v) Discuss course material with fellow students and/or senior

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